Empower Thyself with Kasia – London
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomEMPOWER THYSELF The Empower Thyself program is a two-day class that will take your life and spiritual awareness to new level heights! You will learn ancient and sacred rituals to protect your energy, clear low vibration, and to help create what you desire with more ease and clarity! Using these tools regularly will help you…
Empower Thyself with Martina Coogan – London
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomThis intensive two-day instructional course teaches you the necessary tools to purify and protect yourself from the negative influences of others. It works on deprograming prior learned negative structures in the mind that are holding you back. This course will also equip you with historical knowledge used by several visionaries such as Leonardo DaVinci, Nikola Tesla,…
Sacred Geometry 2 in London with Cecile
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomCrystals have immense healing and protective powers. Learning to work with them is therefore an expansive and enriching journey. In Sacred Geometry 2, you will be handed down beautiful but simple methods of working with crystals to heal old wounds ranging from emotional, and mental to the physical, to help bring in what you want to manifest…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity during times of feeling overwhelmed Keeps you focused and centered on all positivity. Empowers you to own the ability to change your thoughts and Greater…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity during times of feeling overwhelmed Keeps you focused and centered on all positivity. Empowers you to own the ability to change your thoughts and Greater…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity during times of feeling overwhelmed Keeps you focused and centered on all positivity. Empowers you to own the ability to change your thoughts and Greater…
Sacred Geometry 2 with Roxana in Romania
RomaniaNu rata ocazia unică de a te conecta la geometria ADN-ului tău, de a merge dincolo de toate problemele, de toate tiparele, de toate traumele, de toate fricile. Ai acum ocazia de a ajunge la cine ești tu cu adevărat. Ai ocazia de a învăța cum să folosești vechile simboluri pentru a-ți ridica vibrația, de…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity during times of feeling overwhelmed Keeps you focused and centered on all positivity. Empowers you to own the ability to change your thoughts and Greater…
Sacred Geometry 3 with Roxana in Romania
RomaniaGeometria Sacră III din Școala Misterelor Geometria sacră III se concentrează pe vindecarea și echilibrarea energiilor din cele 7 straturi ale aurei și sacralitatea corpului uman.Este o practică pe care o poți face pentru tine, precum și un serviciu pentru alții.Această modalitate unică de vindecare face apel la puterea zeilor și zeiților egiptene antice și…