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January 29 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Seven Mystery Schools with Divina Ann – Derry

Price: £45



Seven Mystery Schools

January 29 @ 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

In this in-person informative class you will discover the planet’s seven Mystery Schools including their location, Mission, purpose and deep insights.

Until recently they were all closed to the general public. Admission was by invitation only and reserved for Royalty and those in positions of authority. With the rise in human consciousness and readiness to receive this information these teachings are now available to the public accessed through the Modern Mystery School.

In this two hour and a half class discover the Mysteries of each unique school and receive tools to connect uniquely with each one.

To register email contact@modernmysteryschoolireland.com

Modern Mystery School UK & Europe

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