September 7 @ 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Sacred Geometry with Divina Ann – Derry
Price: £150

Study the 3 Keys to the Universe annd experience ancient mystery teachings available to the general public.
The Greek and Egyptian societies used Sacred Geometry in the mathematical schools of Pythagoras and in the construction of the pyramids to connect to spirit and transform the energy of this physical world. As we become more sensitive to energy many people may sense the energy of rooms/buildings/spaces. Spaces where arguments, sad events or old grievances have occurred can leave uncomfortable residues.
With Sacred Geometry one can elevate the energy of manmade structures. Discover how to support peace, harmony & joy in your home & your work place. You will receive an attunement to the geometries and be able to use them to seal your home, office and other spaces with Light.
A testimony from the mum of a little boy with autism, “Im writing to thank you Ann! I cannot believe that after 4 years of his little life he slept the whole night through from 8pm to 8am on the hottest night of the year after I put down the Sacred Geometry!’
In addition discover how to create a holy Temple for meditation, healing and holy work.