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April 6 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sacred Geometry 4

Price: £360


The Columbia
95-99 Lancaster Gate
London, W23NS United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Sacred Geometry 4 reveals the secrets to sacred spaces and empowers you to be able to create them.

Through the teachings of the Sacred Geometries, we learn that we have the power to bridge the spiritual and the physical by activating our homes and workspaces as our holy sanctuaries.

Sacred Geometry Level 4

Learn how to create the “Three Temples of Sauron” used for 1000’s of years worldwide for empowerment. These temples are: The Pythagoras Temple for the human body, home, and safety. The Melchizedek Temple for the soul, priesthood, and spiritual life. Noah’s Temple for the spirit, high magick, and love.

  • 3 sacred temple setting techniques are officially handed down to you, paving ways to intensify protection, power and light in your space.
  • You learn methods to bridge the physical and spiritual worlds and true access to higher vibrations of light.
  • You are entering into another service of lightwork to create abundance and bring increased positivity and vibration to your life.

By employing and activating these temples, you will strengthen virtually every aspect of your life. You can build these temples to enhance your home and life, as well as create a sacred temple space for ritual, prayer, meditation and your highest work.

PRE-REQUISITE(S): Must have completed Sacred Geometry 1, 2, & 3  and have previously attended Healers Academy; Certified Life Activation Practitioner.

Investment: £350


To register and reserve your spot please Click HERE

Modern Mystery School UK & Europe

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