January 19, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sacred Geometry 2 in Romania
Price: 381 Euro
Take advantage of the unique opportunity to connect to the geometry of your DNA, to go beyond all problems, all patterns, all traumas, all fears. You now have the opportunity to reach who you really are. You have the opportunity to learn how to use the ancient symbols to raise your vibration, to change the energy of the place where you live, where you work, so that you are reconnected with your heart.
Who is it addressed to – people (women and men) who have decided that life lived with closed eyes is no longer an option.
“Awakening” thus becomes more than a calling, an obligation.
date – 19 January 2024
10:00 – 17:00
Location: will be announced later only to the participants.
What is Sacred Geometry?
Geometry, as an art, was formed in heaven as the forerunner of all creation.
Sacred Geometry is the study and contemplation of divine proportion and geometric patterns that are fundamental to the creation and structure of the Universe.
In understanding these geometric patterns and vibrational energies, you will learn the pure language of the cosmos and gain access to universal wisdom.
What will you learn in this course?
In the study of sacred geometries, you will go deep into the mysteries of crystals, you will know the unseen energies and you will learn to strengthen the home with four powerful geometric shapes.
– Crystal Healing – A method of working with crystals that you will be able to use to heal yourself (and your family or patients)
– Crystal Readings – An amazing and precise technique by which you will be able to read in the future with the help of crystals;
(for personal use and for use with your clients)
– Crystal Dreaming – Used to increase your ability to learn from dreams and increase your dreams.
This is how you will have lucid dreams with the help of crystals.
– Crystal Gridding – using crystals to create a wonderful home and/or work environment with crystal grids for:
1. Protection
2. Bringing divine energy into your space
3. Invoking the Divinity
4. Completion, fullness, abundance and manifestation of everything you want and need
What will you get at the end of this course?
At the end of this course you will have a set of tools that will help you improve your own life, as well as the lives of those close to you.
You will receive a package with crystals and manuals/materials with which you will be able to continue working (crystals are energetically charged).
Who will teach this course?
The teacher will be Eric Thompson, international teacher (master teacher) within the Modern Mystery School, with extensive experience in the field of energy courses in the USA, Brazil, Canada, UK and others.
What is your investment in this course?
€381 for the first 5 registrants
€421 for up to the 10th registrant
€451 for up to the 15th registrant
Maximum number of participants: 15.
How do you sign up?
– Complete the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_Bmyw2i_Ac8cdOMx7j7haa-TVTXZe5k9-uQ_cF5XcccvB7g/viewform?usp=sf_link
– telephone +4.0774449991
The course will be held in English, with the possibility of translation into Romanian (€20/day).